Richie Brace® Restricted Hinge
Richie Brace® Restricted Hinge
Richie Brace®
Restricted Hinge

A more rigid ankle articulation restricts ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion to a range under 5° without disrupting a smooth contact and heel rise phase of gait.
- PTTD (moderate-to-severe w/ subluxed TN Joint)
- Dropfoot (equinus Severe varus/valgus; weak calf)
- DJD (ankle or rearfoot w/ dropfoot & spasticity)
- Peroneal Tendinopathy (order with lateral arch suspender)
- Lateral Ankle Instability (severe; order with lateral arch suspender)
- Peroneal Nerve Injury (fixed varus in hindfoot/ankle; order with lateral arch suspender)